Roger looked at them gravely and added quietly: ‘The worst thing that ever happened to the crafts is the invention of the unskilled labourer. Makes me angry just saying it. The lives and potentials killed only so some stupid people can increase output and profits. Division of labour. What a terrible thing to do to humans — and I’m not talking about the sensible kind of division within a team of craftspeople. I am talking about the reduction of a human to a brainless being. The total lack of respect for people and their ingenuity, and their worth and potential. Making us into some bleeding assets. Assets who are only good enough to do some repetitive something you don’t even have to train for.’
Levi shuddered. ‘I’ve never looked at it this way. But you are right. The human is a creative creature. Take that away, and you take away an essential part of being human.’
‘You poets,’ Roger said, shaking his head in a friendly way. ‘You really are good with words.’
book 1, beginning
Original Craftsdom
Focus: Preserving crafts from around the world
The towners of Original Craftsdom are guardians and craftspeople.
It is their task to preserve every craft past and present found on this planet. Preserving includes documenting, practising, teaching, to be nice to tourists who show an interest in their work — and a lot more.

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